Monday, November 12, 2007

Day 24: Pizza, Pasta, Vino Tinto & Recovery in Uyuni

Hi All,

This key board is trash so just a short note.

Uyuni seen as I climb towards Potosi...a small town of 14,000 sitting next to the Salar de Uyuni....just visible in the distance.

Uyuni is surprizing appealig and even a much bettter place to hang out and recover before the grueling ride to Potosi thanks to a great Pizza place called Tonitos...its much much more then just great great gourmet food....pasta, bread, coffee, cheese, wine etc....all 50ft from my room...its been wonderful!. It owned and operated by Chris and his lovely wife...Chris is originally fro the Bost area and his wife from Uyuni...together they are a powerful combination. I´ve had multiple dinners and breakfasts to try and put some much needed meat on my bones....I am guessing I have dropped 15 lbs in the last 3 weeks....hard rides above 12,500ft , little food and getting a bit sick will do that for you ;)

Anyway Tonitos is an amazing place and it was very tough to leave...a constant turnover of interesting people from all over the world completed the package very nicely. I very much hope to return!

This guy is Hiro (like the charactor from Heroes) ... a great guy...we "chatted" in Spanish....our "common" language :)

These two American guys are 2 years into their motorcyle tour of to the Salar today.
I hope all is well with everyone.

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